Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Line Play

My friend got me to download this cute lil app, and I have been having so much fun decorating my house! What do you think?

Its a work in progress but its getting there. I'm low on money so decorating is tough; Everything is so expensive that I'm actually considering buying 'gems' with real life money to get some more stuff, dumb and pointless I know... ;~;

Friday, February 7, 2014

So Lazy

I am becoming more and more lazy, I have no idea how to get myself out of this slump, It's been well over a year now and I am just not passionate about any life long goals.

I have however been making sure I enjoy the way I'm spending my time and company. My life is so chill right now cause I just don't give a shit about anything, at all, no virtues man, none.