Friday, September 25, 2015


I have made so much more progress in dealing with my anxiety than I could have hoped for. I even went to a concert recently and felt ok being in the crowd. Even though it comes back and sneaks up on me, I always feel in control of my body and my emotions. I have successfully avoided all panic attacks this month and my last 3 exams went smoothly, no shaky hands or hard of breathing!

I've made some changes that I think have contributed to my success. I don't eat fast food anymore, candy, and have completely stopped drinking caffeine, I also stopped taking my birth control. For a while I was afraid that I would break out in cystic acne like how I used to before I got on the pill, but I have also steered clear of any breakouts which I am really happy about, JUST GOTTA STAY CLEAR FROM THOSE BABIES NA MEAN???

My school semester is a load of work but I am not letting it get to me and I have even found new effective ways of studying that I will continue to use. I am not doing particularly fantastic but I am doing okay and that's really making me a happier, healthier person.