Sunday, May 26, 2013

America, America

Memorial day weekend sales are pretty awesome and I was lucky enough to get some sweet stuff! Quick side story, I hate shopping at malls because they give me the biggest migraines. I can’t be inside a mall for more than 2 hours without getting a fucking headache. I find the clothing and huge crowds really overwhelming )-: It’s so much going on at one time that I get frustrated and fucking sick agh I felt like throwing up today.

Bathing suit- $21 (saved 33 dollars)

Nike Roshe Run in pink, they weren’t on sale but I still bought them because they’re cute.

Underwear 7 for $27 at Victoria’s Secret (no photos)

Thursday, May 23, 2013


My friend and I went to the thrift store and I found these awesome paintings

I cut my hair.... I don't have any photos but i'll post some soon, looks kinda looks like Kiko's hair (says my friend). It was unintended. I didn't want it my hair that short and I don't think the lady got rid of all of my dead hair because Instead of having a few layers I now have none?....

Also been listening to The Low End Theory album non stop all of May; can't stress how good this album is. I've never been familiar with any of their (A Tribe Called Quest) stuff other than the obvious. I used to just nic-pic my favorite songs from an artist instead of listening to their albums but this is a much better way to enjoy music you guys, much better.
My favorite tracks off this album:

3. Rap Promotor
4. Butter
5. Verses from the Abstract
11. Jazz 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I'm Done *drops mic*

I finished my spring 2013 semester just yesterday and I’m nervous about all of my grades, I’m not sure I did as well as I hoped to. Agh really disappointed in my decisions in the month of April, once I took on two jobs I was cramped with schoolwork and nothing good came out of it. I wasn’t sleeping, I couldn’t study, I was so stressed out I cried a few times, I broke out and my paychecks were shit.

Although disappointed, I’m Glad its done with. I’m taking a pilates class starting in June and I recently resigned from my job at Gap, so I hope my skin clears up and I can start exercising again. 

Even though my jobs drove me crazy, I’m actually really sad that I’m leaving Gap. I’ve never been treated so nicely by my managers before, they were always thankful for the work I did and always respected my priorities (sorta, but good enough). They even said I’m welcome to come back if my other job doesn’t work out, which was so nice to hear, BUT I hope that I can make a mark once Lush opens for business and create great relationships with all of my managers and coworkers so that I don’t have to (go back to Gap). 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Each Life

Last year (if you read my post) I made a movie for my English class recreating Battle Royal. It was a little cheesy but nonetheless I worked very hard on it. Anyways, this year for my English 223 class I made another film and I wanted to post it here for you all to see!

It is a split screen, live action movie about a day in the life of two women living in the 50’s. It’s not very detailed acknowledging that its only 3 minutes long but you can see the differences between two lifestyles. The woman on the left is less privileged than the woman and on the right… we know how the fifties work as far as race goes.


My friend Naz and I worked really fucking hard on this ;~; and we had her brother do special effects when we were done to make it look pretty.

I guess I'd like to dedicate this to my film teacher from highschool Mrs.Vlaming for teaching me the essentials of how to make a film! I think she'd be proud of what I've made.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Weird Face

Sometimes I think I look ugly, sometimes I think I just look different, regardless of any of that I always look like a serial killer in photos. I don't care I like taking straight faced photos lol. 

I'd also like to share with you that I got up to 3000 views yesterday! yay, thanks for reading or looking at my blog. and thanks to those who gave my playlist a chance!