Sunday, June 30, 2013

I Hate Mayonnaise ;~;

I make a lot of mistakes when it comes to my food choices. For example, I will over eat and then feel like throwing up, or eat something that looks good but is bad for me and then feel like throwing up, or just eat anything and then feel like throwing up (just kidding).

Last week I went out to eat with my boyfriend and I wanted something healthy (which doesn’t really exist unless you’re eating at home) so I suggested Subway… Subway is probably the worst place you could go to for a sandwich, ever. On top of that I made it worse by trying to jazz up my sandwich, I added avocado and honey mustard. I’m not exactly sure what my thought process was combining those two flavors together; not to mention I don’t like giving people the power to control how much of a condiment can go into my food. I could have been trying to purposely make my life suck more than it already does, or blame my unhappiness on something, or someone... sshhhhhh.
Subway isn't the problem here, although I can say that their employees squeeze their bottles too hard but for the most part it's me. It really is a troubling problem to deal with because I look like a serial killer tearing apart my food in front of the person who made it. I order my food and just keep adding things that make it worse and worse and then look at the employee like they don't make me want to kill myself. 
oh god it makes me laugh but It’s really sad. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

All I Own Are Jeans

I cleaned out my closet to get rid of all the ugly clothes I have, which is what I imagined to be at least 60 percent of all I own and I only got rid of 10 things… I really don’t know what happened.

So I guess my wardrobe consists mostly of good jeans and sweaters, and then I have really worn out shitty tops.  I’m always willing to shed some extra cash on my jeans than I would on a top. I don’t even like paying for tops unless it’s really fucking cheap or it has a really awesome graphic on it. Another issue I’ve come across, all I have are graphic t-shirts, I have NO cute blouses. Which is probably why people confuse me for being a high school student (and I guess I look pretty young too).

Agh, I’m about to be 20 years old in just a few days and I have no blouses, anyways I’ll probably still only buy graphic t-shirts lol. I've been dying to get a 6-eyes UNIF shirt but its as expensive as my jeans and I don't know what to do, I waaant ittttttt aaghh whyyyy it's so cuuuutteeeee it has 666 as eyes ;~; (the other shirt is just cute lol) 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Nintendo 3ds xl

So my friend Nazanin should be getting her super cute light pink Nintendo 3ds xl in the mail today and I'm so excited to see it in person!!!!!!!!

I'm not into video games (because I'm not good at them and I'm a sore loser) but she's convinced me to get one. We're going to play Animal Crossing: New Leaf together along with her cousin Melody, It's going to be so much fun! 

I can't stop thinking about it, I can't wait to get mine next week *---*

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I Want To Be Skinny

It sucks really bad being out of shape, you just feel really ugly and fat all of the time. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Werkin On Ma Shit

Tomorrow is my first day of pilates; I'm nervous but excited about taking another fitness class because this time around I have nothing else going on! (besides work) 
Each class session will last an hour and a half and will take place 4 days a week. I am also attempting to drop greasy and sugary foods from my current diet... never mind that coffee I had today lol

I'm not confident enough to post any photos of my body but I'll post some measurements (once I buy a measuring tape tomorrow).