Anyways I used to eat a lot, and now i've really cut it down and I don't eat as much junk as I used to. Though I never stop myself from having what I want -It's all about moderation. Plus I never feel bad about what I eat because I work my ass off 6 days of the week god dammit!
I hid 2 Dr. Peppers in my room and I have these Carls jr coupons I'll probably use later this month HAHAHA, oh god. I just want to say thank you Carls jr for sending out coupons you're amazing :** also, if you get those and don't use them... just think about where you are in your life. I always, ALWAYS get excited for Carls jr coupons because the Western Bacon Cheeseburger is my favorite :o
Don't mind my chipped nails ;__; I've been really busy so I haven't done them yet.
FOOOOOOOOOD. We must go out to eat *___*