It's official! I'm going to go see The Killers this coming Friday on the
28th; it was really stressful and horrifying finding tickets but I got them and
at a great price considering I didn't have to pay a fucking service charge! Ugh
wow how can they literally charge me 30 dollars for using their site! it
totaled up to be 160 and I wasn't down for that shit. Anyways, I bought 2
tickets and I'm really excited regardless of the fact I’m only familiar with
their first 2 albums Hot Fuss and Sam's Town. I don't know who they'll be
playing with so I guess it'll be a nice surprise, I read online that they'll be
playing with Tegan and Sara. I've seen them live once my junior year of high
school instead of seeing Vampire Weekend and I totally regret it. If Tegan and
Sara do perform I hope they play the songs I like, not like last time ;p

I need to figure out what to wear now!
Ahhh you're so lucky Marilyn!