Sunday, March 31, 2013


So the beginning of March I made a very short list of what I’d like to accomplish in the month. Which actually turned out to be a great idea because I accomplished 3 out of the four! The fourth, if you’re wondering was to eat the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables for my age and activity level. Regardless of my misstep, I’ve turned my failed goal into something positive and progressive. I’ve decided to start my own food journal where I'll write down every single thing I eat and drink (besides water). I particularly think this is a good thing for me being a past binge eater because when I have to update it, it helps remind my brain that I’ve already eaten and I don’t need to eat another thanksgiving dinner lol. Anyways I will update you and let you know how it works out at the end of April!

Also here is another song I’ve been obsessed with this past week:

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