Friday, July 11, 2014

Trinessa: Acne Update (part 2)

Alright I’m getting straight to the point, TriNessa is definitely working. In fact it is the only thing helping my acne because I am using the exact same products before I turned to birth control.

My acne has completely diminished on my left cheek and I have two cystic pimples on my right cheek but I am confident in saying that after these two pass I will have smooth skin. This doesn’t mean that my skin looks awesome or anything because I have some scarring to fix, mostly discoloration. I will post photos of before and after once I feel that I've got most of my scarring under control. 

I have gained weight but hasn't reached an unknown territory. However I have been taking precautions and stopped drinking soda -this is the only sacrifice I’ve made so far…

Also, my curiosity in makeup has grown and I definitely want to invest in some good make up, ooo its so exciting!!! 

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