Thursday, August 30, 2012

Marilyn on a Thursday

Alright so, I can't believe I haven't used this yet. I've used Blogger before when I was a sophomore in High school and I am now a sophomore in College. A little while ago I decided I'd get my blogging roots back, (though truthfully I had only used it for about 2 weeks lol) and I figured hey, i'm older and cooler... I'm not cool at all, but it's okay thats really cool right now. I previously tried Live Journal so I'll link that just in case you're interested -It didn't really work out, I couldn't tell if anyone was reading it. So I hope I get some readers on here! I plan on posting some pictures on here because I really need to start using my camera; It was a gift from my boyfriend and it's just put away in it's box, which is really lame. 

Truthfully would like to know, does this small font make you not want to read this?

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