Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm going to see the Arctic Monkeys live!!!

I recently just opened a new bank account after canceling with my previous bank because I kept having problems. I even applied for my first credit card which I really hope I get approved for, but I have a feeling I won't. August is almost coming up which means I will be going back to school and I'm really nervous but very confident in myself this time around. I am also finally seeing the Arctic Monkeys live and I am beyond fucking excited!!! The show is in LA and I'll be joined by an old mate from high school whom I haven't seen since then, it'll be fun hanging out with just girls which I honestly don't do often, I mean just hanging out in general doesn't happen for me much. I really want to go to Lemonade and also get the chance to eat a sushi burrito while I'm out there.

Okay but honestly just fan girling here, I'm going to see THE Arctic Monkeys live!!!!! Oh my god!!!! I don't even think I was this excited to see The Killers and I've been waiting years to see them play live. I don't even have a specific song I would like to hear from them because I know it'll probably be the best concert I've ever been to, aghhhh wow I just can't believe I'm going. 

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