Monday, December 30, 2013

Turn Out

Last year, like any normal human I made a New Years Resolutions list for myself (link here: and just to make this short, for the most part I failed, only accomplishing 1, 4, 10, and 15.

This past year has been by far the worst in my short stupid life. I have never felt so defeated and afraid of my future before, and its actually really stupid. Before I begin to rant about all the shitty things that happened to me I’m going to list my new goals in no particular order for the year of 2014.

1.     Drink more water
2.     Take care of the skin on my body
3.     Read and write more
4.     Try harder
5.     Enjoy some company
6.     Stop self-pitying
7.     See an rap/hip hop artist live
8.     Go somewhere
9.     Spend less money on fast food
10.   Eat good food
11.   Wear that swim suit
12.   Give myself more credit
13.   Learn, comprehend
14.   Get some muscles
15.   Be content with how I decided to spend my time

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