Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Years Resolutions!

Since we only have 5 more day's left of this year, I thought it would be nice to get my New Years Resolutions ready. I made my list fairly short and do-able, and unlike a lot of people I'm not going to list 'lose weight' simply because losing weight and exercising isn't a problem for me. I'm mostly trying to improve my eating habits because I used to have a binge eating problem; it's gotten a lot better since i've trained myself to get fuller on smaller meals but occasionally I go a little overboard with my indulgences. Anyways, here is a list of things I want to do and accomplish this coming year, I'm mostly excited about number 9 and 11 because I have done neither, ever, in my life!

1. Get a job
2. Limit my fast-food intake to twice a month maximum or none at all
3. Stop drinking dark soda
4. Drink more water
5. Finish Diary and Lolita                                
6. Wash my face everyday
7. Don’t stop playing the piano
8. Save my money
9. Travel somewhere! (Even if it’s just in the U.S.)
10. Make some friends
11. See a rap/hip-hop artist perform live
12. Buy a swimsuit and then wear it
13. Use my camera more often
14. Have a positive outlook
15. Learn how to do this (I'm taking ballet this upcoming school semester)

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