Thursday, May 23, 2013


My friend and I went to the thrift store and I found these awesome paintings

I cut my hair.... I don't have any photos but i'll post some soon, looks kinda looks like Kiko's hair (says my friend). It was unintended. I didn't want it my hair that short and I don't think the lady got rid of all of my dead hair because Instead of having a few layers I now have none?....

Also been listening to The Low End Theory album non stop all of May; can't stress how good this album is. I've never been familiar with any of their (A Tribe Called Quest) stuff other than the obvious. I used to just nic-pic my favorite songs from an artist instead of listening to their albums but this is a much better way to enjoy music you guys, much better.
My favorite tracks off this album:

3. Rap Promotor
4. Butter
5. Verses from the Abstract
11. Jazz 

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