Tuesday, September 3, 2013


I'm a week into my semester and I'm really enjoying all of my classes and professors, I picked them well this time around. Due to some setbacks I am behind on some of my studying and homework but it's nothing I can't fix by the end of this week. I also have 4 assignments due for my Biology Lab by the 9th and have my first tests in my Math-189 and Biology lecture both on the 19th of this month. I feel confident that I will do well if I continue to have a positive mind set and study like I planned to.

I also promised myself I'd eat clean this month and i'm doing alright so far, although I have a really awesome deal waiting for me at Strip Burger so I might just break it for a day... LOL 

I will update you at the end of the week to see if i've successfully competed my assignments without crying. 

I haven't posted a song in a while so heres one of the many Mariah Carey songs I loved listening to last month. 

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