Friday, October 19, 2012

How Did Anyone Even Like Me?

Yesterday before heading to my math class my friend emailed me a shit load of old photos of us and some of them with our old friends around the age of 13-15 (BEST TIME OF MY LIFE!) We always had fun compromising with whatever money we had and not having rides to places. We could have insane amounts of fun indoors, we didn’t drink or do drugs, and we had good grades. We were pretty much everything your parents had hoped for at our age, in fact we’re still like that. But at this point its sort of troubling because everyone one around me wants to do the exact opposite and I don’t fit in! hahaha.

Back to the point of the photos, I noticed how fucking ugly I was. It’s so embarrassing I can’t even share these photos to the public. I always thought I looked better before because I was skinnier, and I didn’t have braces, but for some odd reason I looked chubby, really tan/dark and my teeth were crooked. May I add I didn’t look that bad when I was 16 and 17, but it could be because I was getting good at taking photos of myself LOL. I’m really thankful that she sent me these even though I wasn’t exactly going through a tough time of randomly hating myself and bashing my body; but if it wasn’t yesterday it was going to be a week from now, honestly. I’ve been working out since May of this year and I’ve never been happier with my body and I can actually say that in this very state I am the best version of me so far in my life. This is really exciting because I am still progressing and I’ll sooner or later get to where I want to be and feel the way every girl/woman deserves to feel.

also I did my nails last night with my friend Naz' she did mine and I did hers. YAY WE FINALLY DID SOMETHING THAT'S NOT HOMEWORK!