Monday, October 8, 2012

Sad/Unmotivated & Excited/Hopeful

I’m not sure how everything is working out for me right now, I’m finding myself feeling unsatisfied. I’m not doing that great in school, and feel like I might be adding another B to my GPA ;___; this semester (Note: I already have 3 AAGGHHH!). My ego is just way down my man, and comparing my work to the average of the class doesn’t help because I put so much in and I get shit back. Anyways I haven’t completely lost my chances of getting an A in my classes but I’m just not feeling it. I like my classes but when it comes down to it, the overall workload I get every weekend sucks; I’m constantly doing homework and I always have a huge paper to work on. I really should suck it up because I know this is normal. I also have my first quiz in my piano class on Tuesday and I hope I get an A )-: even though It probably wont happen.

I want a lot of things that are unreachable for me at this point. Material things, oh god I want so many things that I can’t have because I’m not working and I wouldn’t ask my parents for it. I feel like such a burden on my parents because they paid for all my classes this semester, I’m 19 I should be paying for my own things, but I can’t handle being a full time student and work a part time job.

I’m really looking forward to next semester where I’ll be taking my first science course, It’s not easy but I feel like It’s probably the only course where I get back how much I put in, and I’m really excited to feel the recognition I deserve. I’ll also finally get a job and put my parents out of their misery and my sister can stop being a bitch to me. 

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