Thursday, December 20, 2012

End Of The World Post

I originally wanted to list all my grievances but I’m such a dick, my lists went on and on and lead nowhere. So Instead I thought It would be a better idea to lessen my chances of going to hell by writing down nice things about people I like. 

There are a lot of occasions where I wanted to unbuckle my seat belt, open the door and jump out of the car while we were driving on the free-way, but it’s the people I love that make me feel guilty for wanting to kill myself (I’m being sarcastic). I could start off with my family but I’m not going to because I actually hate them and they don’t read my blog anyways (just kidding again). No, but seriously they would have no chances of reading this so it's pointless AHAHHAA. My best friend Naz; you’re a good friend to me, I haven’t had a friend who has helped me the way you have in a really long time. I thank you for pushing me academically, my GPA wouldn’t have gone up to a .7 without you. I also want you to know that I won't stop you from reaching your goals, so I will allow you to leave the country. Eric, people always talk about how they fell in love with their “best friend” but they’re really just a bunch of gay liars because they liked each other the whole time and then started dating. I really did fall in love with my best friend and I'm so lucky for that.

My unborn French bulldog puppy, -I love you, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about you and our beautiful life together. I wish I could hold you in my arms but unfortunately I haven’t gotten the funds to buy you, but I will one day because the world isn't actually ending. (*I cried writing this part)

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha ♡♡♡

    You totally earned the A's yourself man. You deserve it :'D. I'll see you after the world ends and I'm back in vegas or hell or whatever.
