Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I Know It's Been A While/ An Update

Yesterday was my last day of the hardest semester I’ve had so far. I don’t think people understand how hard my classes really were; even when I was working a job 25 miles away and taking 3 classes last year, it was not as hard and time consuming as this semester. I was literally swamped with homework every weekend, and never had any time to have fun or go out. Which I suppose didn’t matter because I don’t have any friends; and the one and only friend I have had the exact same classes as me :3 lol.

This semester I learned the piano with the worst teacher on earth. I basically taught myself piano, but regardless, I’m still thankful I had the opportunity to learn. It was pretty tough, but I learned all the fundamentals to further my skills if I wanted to. My English class wasn’t very informative because I didn’t learn anything that I didn’t know before, and if you’ve read my previous blog posts, you know that she was mean. BUT, I read really great stories! My political science course was probably my favorite class this semester. My professor’s lectures were amazing and I learned so much, it’s fucking insane how much I know about political issues and how the government is ran. I laugh at all the retarded shit my peers say because I know what I’m actually talking about and it feels SO GOOD. My math teacher was the best math teacher I’ve had in my life, and although it was simple, he still made everything so easy to understand. My friend and I bought him a Merry Christmas card to show our appreciation ;--;

At the end of it all I learned some great things this semester, which is why I suppose it was the hardest. 

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