Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Winter Break

These past few days I've spent a majority of my time with an old friend! We became best friends freshman year of high school and were attached to the hip for a very long time; we're still good friends today. I always laugh when I'm with her because she has the most contagious laugh you've ever heard lol. 

I haven't gotten any tickets for The Killers show yet, but I'm pretty sure I'll find a scalper the day of. I found a great group of people that want to go (Maria, Lilian and her friend Ivan)and i'm excited to see them there because they're really nice people. BUT, I'm mostly hoping that my friend Nazanin will go because I want her to experience it with me ;--; and we originally planned to go together! 

I also found out I got straight A's this past school semester and I'm so happy! and I received an e-mail from my future English Literature professor who told me I wouldn't need to purchase a text book for his class!

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