Saturday, January 12, 2013

Beasts of the Southern Wild

Every year when Oscar nominations are released I like to watch the movies listed for best picture; since I have a blog this time around I want to write mini reviews for each one when I get around to it! I hope you enjoy reading my point of view, I don't go too much into the film, just a little background information and my opinion of its meaning and how it made me feel! 

Beasts of the Southern Wild:
It was a good movie, not as great as Oprah exclaimed it would be, but it was good. It’s definitely one of those artsy films filled with abstract symbolism that somehow all plugs into convey a deep story. I personally find movies filmed like this one a little pretentious but aside from that, it initially told a great story. It showcased how connected people are to their surroundings as the main characters go through the struggle of maintaining a simple lifestyle after a storm washes away their secluded little town. It really shows how much love and pride comes from where you’re from and your culture. Also, the ending dialogue really got to me... I give it 8.3 on a scale from 1-10.  


  1. I need to write some reviews since I watched all the movies on my list.

    1. you really should I enjoyed the ones you've written so far!
