Tuesday, January 22, 2013

School Today

Today was the first day of the spring semester and I had my Ballet class at 9 am and Math at 2 pm (I have my English class tomorrow). My math teacher was definitely a lot different from my previous professor, which worries me a bit. He went over things very quickly today but I suppose it was just because we were ‘reviewing old material’ and I’m hoping he slows things down when we start new material on Thursday. Oh yeah, we have a quiz every class, our tests are timed, we’re not allowed to use a calculator (which disappoints me because I have a really cute pink fancy/expensive calc. that I want to use! >:o) and... and... our homework is done online which is already stupid enough but it's actually done on a shitty website that was giving me a few problems it was REALLY PISSING ME OFF!!!!

Anyways, I ended up getting a really good vibe from my dance instructor; he made the course seem like a lot of fun so I’m really excited! After both of my classes my friend and I went to a dance supply store to get our ballet slippers. Probably dressing like a ballerina will be one of the most satisfying aspects of taking the course haha. 

My bed is messy, i'm sorry

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