Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My Life

I'm really upset right now because I'm beginning to notice how lonely I really am. I really want friends. I know being awkward and friendless is really popular and cool and some type of joke on the internet but it's real for me. And when I tell you guys I only have 2 friends not including my boyfriend that I actually see in person, i'm not joking. It sucks so much, I want to laugh and watch movies with people, I want to talk to someone. 

Anyways enjoy this video and song I really like it, I hope you do too, whoever reads my blog...


  1. I have no friends I see in person and it gets to me everyday :(

    1. :T I know I'm being a little bitch, it just sucks not having some type of social interaction cause we're young y'know?

  2. Yeah I really feel like I'm wasting my good years away.

  3. I wish we were still friends. You were really down to earth and not like other girls. Too bad I screwed that all up.

    PS.. Sorry for creepin, I got super bored at work.

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time out of your day to read my blog random702!

      I'm very glad I had the chance to leave that impression on you.

  4. I really do miss talking to you :-( I know you really don't like me though and I was a bad friend. This post reminded me of how I am though. Lonely and friendless for the most part I guess
