Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Being Positive

So my job interview was today and can confidently say I was the best-dressed there lol. As far as my interview went well I can say I’d be a little surprised if I got the job; but good practice! And I’m glad I got to see my friend from high school she’s super sweet and cool (she works at the store). The biggest problem I have is not smiling when I answer my questions, and my voice isn't very girly... But being the positive person that I am (i'm being sarcastic) I may have just gotten the job guys! 

Off topic: I really liked how my makeup looked today because I had a really bad break out 2 weeks ago and left a dark spot on the right side of my cheek )-: you can't see it in these photos but I covered it pretty well for my interview.

I don't look very positive in these photos...

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