Friday, November 30, 2012

Going to Watch Depressing Movies

I feel so sick. I haven't felt like this in a very long time. I'm literally crying for every little thing, I hate everyone around me. I wasn't even excited when I got my braces off this Wednesday. I have no one around me. Nothing is good in life. This world is a piece of shit. If only I could eat a cheeseburger.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Things I Need

So basically I have a folder on my desktop labeled 'Things I Need' and I was planning on checking these baby’s off my list this coming week because I really want to reward myself for all my hard work this semester. This will probably be the most I’ve ever spent on a pair of shoes but I feel like they’re a good purchase because I know I’ll wear them very often and they'll last me a long time. The thing that sucks is that they're back ordered until January 19th and there’s no way in hell I'm waiting that long to get my hands on them, so I'm just going to find them in stores. I just really hope this brings my mood up because lately I’ve been feeling a lot like Citizen Kane (without the big house and loads of money).

I’m also thinking of buying a fragrance that I can wear everyday because I want to smell good; I think it’ll make me a happier person. I remember my friend Wilma wore the same perfume everyday to school, and its actually really admiring that she did that. It’s sort of like a theme song to your favorite tv show na mean?

Friday, November 16, 2012

One of My Pet Peeves

Why on earth do children need to play with game consoles, computers/laptops, ipods, tablets, or smart phones? It’s ridiculous to me that parents decide to give these expensive hi-tech things to children, when all they’ll do is fucking break them! AAHHH! It really does just drive me insane. I understand that these are changing times, but there is no need for children to be using them on a regular basis when there is no ‘real’ use for them. Besides, human interaction benefits a child more than some “educational” video game or television program (proven fact).

Now I’ll admit that I used to drive my dad crazy by watching television and not reading enough books, but I do not compare to the children growing up in this generation.

Let me give you incite to my childhood, I used to play with my little brothers since my older sisters refused to hang out with me because they were “cool” and was very uncool. Anyways, we would make up crazy games, play with our loyal steed (our dog), tell stories, climb trees, I used to kick their asses at wrestling and make mud pies OKAY! We did not play video games or go on the Internet and we would have never been amused by an ‘Annoying Orange’ or [insert other crappy show kids watch now and days].

This is just my opinion and I’m aware that my point of view is very biased, but I’m sure someone can agree with me here. I personally don’t find video games very amusing because I fucking suck at them, and I get really pissed off when I lose. I also didn’t get a computer until I was in the 6th grade! :o and I didn’t really get to spend a lot of time on it. I’d also like to add that my enthusiasm towards books has definitely grown since I was a youngin' and I’ve read my fair share of them! infact, I LOVE THEM!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

I Lied To You ♡

I didn't make the peter pan collar necklace, I grabbed a pair of old jeans and made them ombre, they came out really cool! i'll take a picture when I wear them. Anyways I really liked what I wore today mainly because I got to wear my leather horse riding boots because It was really fucking cold this morning at the Veterans Day Parade (which was btw amazing). 

I really hate my long hair, I know a lot of girls like it and you can style it a million ways but it really doesn't suit me; I plan on cutting it short again soon! I straightened it today though so I wanted to take a picture :3 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I Love Living D.T. For These Reasons

I'm attempting to make a peter pan collar necklace today, because i've found a bunch of cute D.I.Y's on it! I hope it turns out cute. Also tomorrow my little brother is going to be in the Veterans Day parade near my home in the down town area. I'll be going to that because I love America and our Veterans! I'd also like to add that I love Down Town, because I live in the very middle of Las Vegas and it really doesn't take more than half an hour to get anywhere! Although a lot of people say theres lots of bad things happening down here, it never really happens; or at least I live fairly comfortably haha. It's very beautiful (minus the crack heads) and the houses are all different, and I like it!!! I'm sure my friend Naz can agree, she also lives in the area. It's pretty sweet at times you just never have time to appreciate it. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Spring 2013

Next year/semester is going to be amazing to me; Spring 2013 will most likely turn out to be the easiest semester for me so far in college. I never got the chance to take a semester /year off from school like a lot of my peers did and I'm pretty jealous; next semester is sort of that for me. Today I had a long ass fucking (ass fucking lulz) day because I woke up at 5 am to make it on time to talk to a counselor at school. I got some great news about my future bachelors degree ;-) when I transfer to the University next year. I should be able to finish a lot sooner than I originally thought so I’m just really excited :’-). As far as next semester goes I’ll be taking Math, which is always a really enjoyable and fun class, ballet with my friend for the fuck of it because we’ve always wanted to, and I'll be taking my last English (223 literature) course! YESSSS! FUCK YESS! FUCK YOUUUU! Jesus Christ I’ve been waiting for this day, I hate English so much!
Because I’ll only be taking 3 classes next semester I plan on getting a god damn job since I'll have plenty of time off and an easy schedule to work around. I really need to find one too because I refuse to let my parents pay my tuition u__u and I’ll be able to have some extra cash to buy myself nice things once and a while, but it’ll mostly be saved up for something cool, like a trip out of the country? ;-)
 I’ve been unemployed this whole year because I quit my job for very understandable reasons. Anyways, I really dislike working in retail (who doesn’t really?) but I’m ready to go back and I think I’m going to enjoy it this time around!

A feel good song for you ladies out there! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Little Reminder

Although Obama won his re-election before they counted the votes in Nevada DOES NOT, I repeat DOES NOT mean that your vote didn't count. The only votes that didn't count in Nevada or in any state for that matter are called "wasted votes." For further explanation, the wasted votes (votes that don't count) in Nevada are those votes for Romney, because Romney didn't win the electoral points in our state (the electoral points went towards Obama) see that's why they're called wasted votes because since he didn't win in our state the people's votes who voted for him didn't count.

Now feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, I learned this in my political science class. but I just was getting really annoyed by those of you who were saying our votes didn't count, we live in a swing state we count if not more than other states in America! Overall I hope this helped you out, and educated you a bit. I don't mean to sound like a dick, or at least not as much as others on the internet did. 

Also, those who voted voted for a new amendment to our state constitution and a tax raise, so there is another example of why/how our vote counted. 

Also heres a photo I found on tumblr and it makes me really happy 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lazy Eye

A lot of the times there are a lot of things going on around me and I my mind just goes blank; kind of like how a dog does when there are too many people around them at once, and they want a chance to know each and every person but they don’t have enough time. This may or may not be clear, but it’s the best way I can describe it.

Most of my life, personally and academically I believe that I understand concepts or what people are telling me, but I don’t sometimes. It’s not so much that It’s tough for me to understand, but I’m unaware of when I’m zoning out or not paying attention to the right things. A lot of people may not understand what I’m trying to say and may think it’s a bunch of bullshit but it’s real. I don’t do this on purpose to hurt anyone’s feelings, or to add another B to lower my GPA.

It is one of the most embarrassing things to have my fault pointed out, as if I’m purposely not listening because I purposely want to feel like a dumb ass. Or I didn’t try hard enough, or that I simply didn’t care to listen or understand something/ someone. This is completely untrue; all of it is complete bullshit. I try so hard to be the best person I can be everyday. You know It just wouldn’t make sense if I walked out of my door every morning and said “You know what? Today I’m going to waste my time by not listening to anything anyone said to me.”

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cows That Surf

I'm going to start making a film based on the first chapter [Invisible Man] of "Battle Royal" by Ralph Ellison; I'm really excited and have high hopes for it considering I have about 2 month's to complete it and I took 2 or 3 years (I forgot lol) of Film Studies ;-). 

I learned a lot in that class and i'm hoping all of the information just comes back to me. I've really been missing the whole process of filming for so long and i'm so happy I have a chance to experience it again. Depending on whether I'm proud of the final result, I want to upload it on here and share it with the people who look at my blog!

Here's a little tune I happen to really like right now because I recently came across it on a playlist titled "for girls who don't exist" (which is initially why I decided to click on it). I don't really know if this band or song is popular which may be a reason that I'm completely uncool because I barely discovered/listened to it. Regardless, the song is really mellow and I hope who ever listens to it enjoys it as much as I do.

You Ain't Shit

whoops goddammit I deleted my blog post lol well anyways the point of it was that I wanted to show you all that I voted early on November 2nd and I was really excited because It was my first time :3