Thursday, November 8, 2012

Spring 2013

Next year/semester is going to be amazing to me; Spring 2013 will most likely turn out to be the easiest semester for me so far in college. I never got the chance to take a semester /year off from school like a lot of my peers did and I'm pretty jealous; next semester is sort of that for me. Today I had a long ass fucking (ass fucking lulz) day because I woke up at 5 am to make it on time to talk to a counselor at school. I got some great news about my future bachelors degree ;-) when I transfer to the University next year. I should be able to finish a lot sooner than I originally thought so I’m just really excited :’-). As far as next semester goes I’ll be taking Math, which is always a really enjoyable and fun class, ballet with my friend for the fuck of it because we’ve always wanted to, and I'll be taking my last English (223 literature) course! YESSSS! FUCK YESS! FUCK YOUUUU! Jesus Christ I’ve been waiting for this day, I hate English so much!
Because I’ll only be taking 3 classes next semester I plan on getting a god damn job since I'll have plenty of time off and an easy schedule to work around. I really need to find one too because I refuse to let my parents pay my tuition u__u and I’ll be able to have some extra cash to buy myself nice things once and a while, but it’ll mostly be saved up for something cool, like a trip out of the country? ;-)
 I’ve been unemployed this whole year because I quit my job for very understandable reasons. Anyways, I really dislike working in retail (who doesn’t really?) but I’m ready to go back and I think I’m going to enjoy it this time around!

A feel good song for you ladies out there! 

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