Friday, November 16, 2012

One of My Pet Peeves

Why on earth do children need to play with game consoles, computers/laptops, ipods, tablets, or smart phones? It’s ridiculous to me that parents decide to give these expensive hi-tech things to children, when all they’ll do is fucking break them! AAHHH! It really does just drive me insane. I understand that these are changing times, but there is no need for children to be using them on a regular basis when there is no ‘real’ use for them. Besides, human interaction benefits a child more than some “educational” video game or television program (proven fact).

Now I’ll admit that I used to drive my dad crazy by watching television and not reading enough books, but I do not compare to the children growing up in this generation.

Let me give you incite to my childhood, I used to play with my little brothers since my older sisters refused to hang out with me because they were “cool” and was very uncool. Anyways, we would make up crazy games, play with our loyal steed (our dog), tell stories, climb trees, I used to kick their asses at wrestling and make mud pies OKAY! We did not play video games or go on the Internet and we would have never been amused by an ‘Annoying Orange’ or [insert other crappy show kids watch now and days].

This is just my opinion and I’m aware that my point of view is very biased, but I’m sure someone can agree with me here. I personally don’t find video games very amusing because I fucking suck at them, and I get really pissed off when I lose. I also didn’t get a computer until I was in the 6th grade! :o and I didn’t really get to spend a lot of time on it. I’d also like to add that my enthusiasm towards books has definitely grown since I was a youngin' and I’ve read my fair share of them! infact, I LOVE THEM!

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