Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Little Reminder

Although Obama won his re-election before they counted the votes in Nevada DOES NOT, I repeat DOES NOT mean that your vote didn't count. The only votes that didn't count in Nevada or in any state for that matter are called "wasted votes." For further explanation, the wasted votes (votes that don't count) in Nevada are those votes for Romney, because Romney didn't win the electoral points in our state (the electoral points went towards Obama) see that's why they're called wasted votes because since he didn't win in our state the people's votes who voted for him didn't count.

Now feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, I learned this in my political science class. but I just was getting really annoyed by those of you who were saying our votes didn't count, we live in a swing state we count if not more than other states in America! Overall I hope this helped you out, and educated you a bit. I don't mean to sound like a dick, or at least not as much as others on the internet did. 

Also, those who voted voted for a new amendment to our state constitution and a tax raise, so there is another example of why/how our vote counted. 

Also heres a photo I found on tumblr and it makes me really happy 

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