Monday, September 17, 2012

Decisions, decisions.

My english professor shared a short story today about how one of her students came into her room saying how much he hated his major (accounting), he also added that he was only doing it because his mother wanted him to. My professor told him that he should pursue a career that made him happy and what do you know -a few years later he ended up studying what he felt passionate about (animation) and he's now happier than ever.

We've all been told to do what we love and that we'd never have to work a day in our lives yadda yadda... or sometimes you hear people say some bullshit like "I'd rather get paid little money doing what I love than getting paid a lot of money doing something I hate."

Now, that's great... if you're happy being a starving artist and all -awesome! great for you.

I am currently majoring in Biology and until recently I thought I knew exactly what I wanted. Now, my whole life I wanted to be a writer until I found out i'm not too great at it. My sophomore year of HS I joined this technical school where I'd learn some A&P, and the qualifications to become a CNA and I enjoyed it. I figured hmm... maybe this is what I should pursue; I wasn't bad at it, and I liked the majority aspect of the subjects I was learning. But still in the back of my mind I'm thinking that maybe this isn't what I want. The one thing I’ve always wanted to do is impact people, not just a few people, a lot of people -millions of people! I want to be able to change the way people think, I want to be able to make people cry or most importantly feel inspired. Basically I feel with the career I’m pursuing I won’t be able to fulfill that.

I don't see myself changing my major so this is where i'll most likely stay as far as my general education goes. I eventually want to study to become some type of (human) doctor lol or work with animals. I just hope i'm making the right decision.

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