Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Alright so I got a bit distracted from my math homework because I made a Pottermore account lol. I'm still not done with the first book, but I just got placed to my house. 

I'm in Gryffindor! I answered all questions truthfully (I promise I didn't try to get placed there lol) because I wanted to get the best experience from this website. I'm surprised because I don't see myself as a that type of person haha. If you have one my name is DawnQuill15672, I've seen lots of cooler names so i'm a bit disappointed )-: and my wand isn't that cute )-:

Anyways I was overwhelmed with homework yesterday and will be completely busy this weekend studying for an exam! :o ugh.


  1. If you haven't read this yet:

    Unicorn Core:

    Unicorn hair generally produces the most consistent magic, and is least subject to fluctuations and blockages. Wands with unicorn cores are generally the most difficult to turn to the Dark Arts. They are the most faithful of all wands, and usually remain strongly attached to their first owner, irrespective of whether he or she was an accomplished witch or wizard.

    Minor disadvantages of unicorn hair are that they do not make the most powerful wands (although the wand wood may compensate) and that they are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may ‘die’ and need replacing.

    The ash wand cleaves to its one true master and ought not to be passed on or gifted from the original owner, because it will lose power and skill. This tendency is extreme if the core is of unicorn. Old superstitions regarding wands rarely bear close examination, but I find that the old rhyme regarding rowan, chestnut, ash and hazel wands (rowan gossips, chestnut drones, ash is stubborn, hazel moans) contains a small nugget of truth. Those witches and wizards best suited to ash wands are not, in my experience, lightly swayed from their beliefs or purposes. However, the brash or over-confident witch or wizard, who often insists on trying wands of this prestigious wood, will be disappointed by its effects. The ideal owner may be stubborn, and will certainly be courageous, but never crass or arrogant.
