Monday, September 24, 2012

I Just Really Want You to Know... THAT I FUCKING HATE YOU!

Today I failed a quiz in my English class and I don’t feel okay about it at all. I don’t know for sure yet because we just took it today, but I’m 100% sure I failed it. I’m trying my best not to over exaggerate by thinking I’m going to fail her class, because I can still get an A noting that I’ve done fairly well so far… :T I think…. AAAGGGHHH  

My main concern is the fear that my teacher will make a mockery of me during class. I haven’t gotten the best vibes from her and I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m a dumb ass and she hates me. Last week she used me as a bad example in front of the class after I had written her an email asking for help. I don’t know if she knew that I was in the class but she said “Yesterday I had a student email me…. LIKE NO THAT’S WRONG, WE ALL KNOW THAT’S NOT A SYMBOL” lol like I’m a fucking idiot.  Today she did what she had done to me to two other people, it's just so fucked up man you don't do that I don't care how smart you think you are. It’s really frustrating and annoying that I never have problems in any of my classes besides my English courses! (See why I don’t actually aspire to be a writer) It sucks because I enjoy writing, it used to be a passion of mine and I sort of still hold on to that; but why would I study something that is I suppose ‘difficult’ for me? 

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