Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Marilyn on a Tuesday

Today was extraordinary, better than a normal day.

Today I had my math class, which is so relaxing. I feel like I can really take a break from all the over load of work I get from my English 102 and Political Science class. 

Afterwards I had my piano class but my professor didn't show up today (AGAIN!) u__u but we got into the class room to practice a few sections of our book. I'm doing okay so far, which i'm really glad about because of my disadvantage. 

To top it all off, my friend and I turned in our proposals (we're making a new 'law') and we learned the dance moves to Rihanna's song Where Have You Been from 50 sec - 1:30 min. HAHAHAHA it was amazing, and we were sweating so it's a great mini workout! 


Listened to this song all day, I have become so obsessed with Azealia Banks!

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