Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I am now a registered voter in Clark County Nevada! I'm really excited because this will be my first time voting! I've waited for this day for so long, I know how much this means to my family and the people who share my ethnicity. Though I've done a considerable amount of research on the electoral college voting system -getting this in the mail just really makes me feel like I'm part of something important.

It's so important for people to go vote especially those my age! Even if you don't like either of the candidates right now it still matters and makes a big impact. Do your research and educate yourself to make the right choice! Registering literally takes at the most 3 minutes if you write slow lol. We should really take advantage of the most amazing opportunity known by man!

I know that the day I get to vote for our president will be one of the most important and significant days of my existence.

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