Saturday, September 15, 2012

People let me tell y'all

I once wrote a speech for my class on education and I started out by saying how I wasn't smart, I just work hard. Things don't come naturally to me, I have to study and read for hours to understand the same concept someone else can. Anyways I remember sharing some parts of my speech to my friend Naz and she said "YES! me too!" and yeah she reads and studies as much as I do -if not more but I wanted to say today that NO, she is just smart.

Naz is the smartest person I know, and I've only tried to surround myself with these types of people, so this is no understatement. It's also no understatement for a citizen living in Nevada either, (noting the fact that we live in the dumbest state) she can be smart anywhere in the country. She literally enjoys technical things; she reads and studies because she truthfully enjoys it. I do too, but not to the fullest degree. 

I believe she helps me try my hardest because when I don't I'll feel like a complete dumb ass when we share our test scores or course grades. I'm saying this (typing this) because I completely misinterpreted what my professor wrote on the directions for our 1st paper; and she totally saved me from writing this essay on a P.O.V. that was not supposed to be my main focus! LOL ugh u__u

1 comment:

  1. ;___; Ahhhh I don't know what to say!! This made me so happy. Thank you :')
