Sunday, September 23, 2012

I'm a Loser

Making new friends is really hard at my age, people usually have stayed in contact with people they were friends with in High school and then meet mutual friends. I have only stayed true real friends with one person from high school (not that I don't like other people, but i'm referring to those I actually see and spend time with regularly) and the rest are on my twitter. 

People say that you'll make friends in College and that's true but I'm just not good at it. So far I've taken most of my courses besides last semester with my only friend. When we didn't have classes together I made some acquaintances, which isn’t actually rude to say because I’m 100 percent sure they wouldn’t tell you “oh yeah Marilyn’s my friend.” Most of the time I’ve never actually had a real conversation with any of these people just short questions, “did you study? Do you have an extra scantron? What classes are you taking? Where do you work? What are you doing this weekend?” That last question wasn’t so that they could invite me anywhere either lol, it was more than likely a kind gesture to ask. 

I have yet to find/ make new friends, and I doubt I’ll make any this semester. I really was hoping I would because I find myself missing out on a lot of the precious time of my youth on the internet. I’m taking courses this semester where I thought I’d find some friends who were interested in the same things I was (Political Science and Piano) but that’s not working out so far lol. In fact the only person I know who enjoys my company is my math teacher )-: Also the fact that when my boyfriend isn’t working he likes to spend time with his friends and I don’t want to deprive him from that just because I have anyone to hang out with. 

Sigh* my life isn’t very fulfilling, I really do go to school just to learn and not to meet people in fact meeting new people is never what I look forward to. I want to learn because I enjoy it, it’s the only thing that’s good right now. Oh and my English teacher is a bitch. 

1 comment:

  1. Same here I am horrible at making new friends. Or keeping any that I ever have :(
